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Acupuncture, Pain and Injury
bayside, Melbourne

An Acupuncturist or Myotherapist use a variety of treatment modalities by combining both ancient and modern methods of physical therapy in the treatment of muscular pain & dysfunction. Treatments can involve trigger point therapy, dry needling, massage techniques, cupping, joint mobilisation and stretches.

myotherapy and acupuncture uses a variety of natural methods to
treat the cause of your pain fast and effectively.

Myotherapy and Acupuncture enhance the function of muscles and joints, relieves acute and chronic pain, and improves range of movement and general body tone. Myotherapy is successful in the treatment & management of the following conditions:

  • All types of headaches including migraines
  • Back, neck and shoulder pain
  • Arthritis pain
  • Restricted & affected movement
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Whiplash injuries
  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sciatica
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Tennis/Golfers elbow

ways in which myotherapy massage is beneficial for kids

Myotherapy massage is beneficial for all age groups. As kids are active all day being involved in sports and outdoor games getting injured is obvious. Even kids can undergo this form of therapy under expert guidance for their injuries. myotherapy massage helps kids to recover as well eliminate any long term effect of injuries sustained. We have a detailed article for the same titled “myotherapy for kids

Contact us today for all your Acupuncture Myotherapy needs.

03 9585 6635

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