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Maybe It’s Time For A Detox

detox diet and lifestyle

In today’s modern world, detoxing is very important. Unfortunately, toxins are now part of our everyday environment. Fortunately for you, there are many health benefits associated with detoxification. It is important to seek advice from your Chinese Medicine Doctor or Naturopath so they can individualise a professional detoxification plan that suits you. It is not simply a “one size fits all’ approach as not everybody is the same, so those over-the-counter detox kits may be doing you more harm than good.

Why do I need To Detox?

A detox can be an integral part of a healthy life. Regular detoxification is ideal for improving your level of wellness, as it can enhance your overall health to keep you at your best. A detox can also be used as a therapeutic treatment for digestive issues or any symptoms that may be associated with toxicity.

Have you experienced one or more of these signs and symptoms of toxicity?

•    Indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea, stomach pain, or feeling sluggish or nauseous after eating
•    Recurrent headaches
•    Muscle aching and weakness
•    Nerve pain or numbness
•    Recurrent infections
•    Poor short-term memory and concentration
•    Sensitivity to environmental chemicals and strong odours e.g. perfumes
•    Chronic fatigue and lethargy
•    Anxiety and/or mood swings
•    Hormonal problems such as PMS or heavy, painful or irregular periods

If the answer is YES a professional detoxification program may be beneficial.

Toxic Burden Vs Detox Capacity

detoxification to improve health

You may be exposed to a variety of different toxins but sometimes your body may not be well equipped to handle the load of these toxins.

Toxic Burden is your level of exposure to toxins, which may be present in foods, food additives and preservatives; as well as exposure to cigarette smoking, pollution and chemicals. Toxins can also be created internally if there is an imbalance of bacteria in the digestive tract or if you have a sluggish bowel.

Detox Capacity is how well your body processes and eliminates these toxins. The more toxins you are exposed to will affect how well your body copes.

A tailored Detoxification Program will help you to balance both of these factors to achieve the maximum benefits. You will be given the tools and the knowledge to reduce the burden on your body, and increase the detox capacity of your body’s key organs of detoxification- the digestive tract, liver and kidneys.

Your Detox Explained

Your Practitioner will determine your toxic burden and detox capacity, while considering your symptoms, health history and any other influencing factors to recommend a tailored Detoxification Program, which will suit your individual needs.

Your Detox Program will be in two stages:

Stage 1 is focused on healing and regenerating your digestive tract. It will also help to wake up, activate and strengthen the organs that will be involved in detoxifying your body. This stage will lead you to the path of feeling fabulous.

Stage 2 is tailored to your individual needs to support digestive balance. Your detox may be specialised when there are issues surrounding digestion and gut symptoms, e.g. when your liver needs additional support or in cases of chemical or heavy metal exposure.

Your Chinese medicine doctor may perform acupuncture during your detoxification program to assist with digestive issues, skin complaints and hormonal health. Selection of specific acupuncture points according to your individual Chinese medicine diagnosis can support the organs of detoxification such as the liver, kidneys, lungs and digestive system.  This will help you to get the most out of your detox plan, resulting in improved elimination, clear skin and vitality.

Specific Chinese herbs and supplements may also be selected to re-balance your system and improve elimination of wastes.

Detox your diet and lifestyle

A detox would only be half a detox without adjusting your diet and lifestyle to reflect clean, healthy living. Take note of these important detox guidelines:

•    Always choose fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables, and buy organic produce when possible; avoiding packaged and processed foods.
•    Remove foods containing artificial colours, flavours, additives, stabilisers and flavour enhancers, as well as foods containing hydrogenated fats.
•    Rest, relaxation and exercise are all important factors to assist in detox. Looking after your mental health by relaxing and dealing with stress can increase your vitality.

Boost Your Detox With Shiatsu

When it comes to detoxing most people think of eating organic foods, drinking plenty of purified water, exercising. These are all great things but it is not a whole detox without a massage to assist your body to see the detox through.

It is important to include a hands on body therapy to assist your body to detoxify. There is nothing worse than trying to do something healthy for yourself and feeling awful at the same time. It can stop you seeing the whole process through.

Shiatsu is a gentle acupressure massage that encourages the natural movement of lymph.  Lymph carries waste products and toxins away from the tissues to the lymph nodes and ducts for elimination. The pressure helps the smooth muscle contract and relax and stretches stimulate the skeletal muscles both of which propel lymph through the vessels.

A shiatsu also improves breathing which then stimulates the mechanics of the digestive process thus improving your ability to digest the healthy food you’ve incorporated into your detox and absorb the nutrients the food contains.

A treatment can stimulate the body’s ability to clear out excess fluid that might be pooling in the feet, ankles, legs, arms, hands or face. If losing weight is part of your reason for detoxifying, moving this excess fluid will increase positive feelings towards your body keeping you enthused and committed to the process.

Cupping can also be used during a Shiatsu to help clear toxins from muscles and free up tension in the back, neck and shoulders, and hips.  This is useful as exercise is a big component of a detox.  It energises the body and encourages elimination of toxins through sweat.  It also improves circulation and oxygen delivery to cells.  It can be tough to stick to your exercise routine when the body is feeling tense and restricted.

One of the other main reasons for getting a Shiatsu during detox is to help your body rest and relax.  With the busy-ness of life it is not often we get the opportunity to take time out and deeply relax.  Proper relaxation assists the body to kick-start its own healing mechanisms thus improving the capacity to detox.  Receiving Shiatsu is beneficial to your mental health and by utilising this therapy to deal with stress you increase your vitality.

At Balance Complementary Medicine – a natural and specialised medicine clinic, we incorporate Naturopathy, Chinese Medicine and Shiatsu massage to get the most out of your professional detoxification program resulting in improved energy and vitality!