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Change Your Body Shape – Practice What You Want


Want to change your body shape? Then ‘Practice What You Want’

Clinical Myotherapist and Personal Trainer, Glenn Austen explains how…

Our daily routine is a juggling act of everything that we prioritise… allocating time for work, family, friends, sleep, eating and hopefully recreational activity. Life is busy!! But we all share the same 24 hours in a day – so the key to creating healthy habits is to manage your time to your advantage.

When we prioritise our time, we choose what we need to juggle to fit within our daily routine. Being that we are products of what we practice, the key is to practice what we want.

So now is a better time than any to kick those bad holiday habits (ie drinking, indulging, lazing) and direct your focus towards what you want to practice for better health. After all – it only takes 3 weeks to establish a habit, so that’s not long to create some good habits!

Maintaining a healthy weight is a common goal for most people although the process of acquiring it is subject to much confusion and deception. It’s important to stay informed, and consistently acquire knowledge to enable better choices. All we can do is our best, based on what we know.

80% of the effort to make any changes to your body shape is a by-product of what you eat. We are, literally, what we eat – if you don’t provide your body with the building blocks for cell rejuvenation, then it’s no surprise that disease or dysfunction becomes more prevalent. If you require assistance on how to create the right eating plan, our team of Naturopaths and Chinese Medicine practitioners can provide professional guidance to identify the health markers to ensure optimal health.

20% of the effort is being active. Think about it… we eat multiple times a day, which means we are making multiple choices about which foods to eat. When it comes to being active, we also have to make multiple choices each day about how we move our bodies… ie, take the lift or the stairs, catch the bus or ride a bike, call your office colleague or walk over to their desk. Some of us may also have active jobs, though all these activity choices may not be enough to achieve our body-shape goals. This is where exercise is a necessity in our lives.

Exercise prescription is an important part of achieving your optimal health goals – you don’t want to waste time, effort and resources doing an activity that is not designed to achieve what you really want. Glenn can assist you to achieve your goals by creating a personalised exercise plan that is tailored to suit your personality and lifestyle. He will help you to make very specific goals so you can understand why you’re doing what you’re doing, and how each exercise is essential towards achieving your goals.

You need to be focused to get what you want, and this process of education is empowering & extremely valuable to ensure you don’t injure yourself through poor biomechanics.

Achieving a goal is one thing, but maintaining it is another.

It’s crucial that what we are doing is what we want to keep doing. Staying motivated, injured free and consistent don’t just ‘happen’, it’s all a product of design. Speak to Glenn and the Balance team today to help you create your own personalised design so you can start practising what you want.